Florence Ballard: The Supreme Florence Ballard (2001) ... plus
Florence Ballard is a figure who continues to haunt the history of the Supremes, the founder and the lost child all at once; it's impossible not to feel a terrible sadness for the fate she endured. 14 of the 18 songs on this collection were recorded in 1968, as Ballard took the first steps to a solo career that never quite happened. Discovered long after her death in 1976 (at age 32), they were bootlegged heavily, and although they aren't exactly a revelation, there's a lot of good work here. At last granted a place in the spotlight, Ballard's gritty, tough, yet still very alluring voice was seeking the right vehicle, on songs like ‘The Impossible Dream,’‘Yesterday,’ and ‘It's Not Unusual,’ and even crossing into the Supremes territory on the exciting and sensuous ‘It Doesn't Matter How I Say It’ (which came out as a single at the time). Listening to ‘Stay in Love’ or ‘Walk on By,’ one realizes a strange dichotomy; Ballard's voice isn't overtly "pretty" in the manner of Diana Ross, but she gets into a groove and she sings pretty; on ‘Goin' Out of My Head’and ‘You Bring Out the Sweetness in Me,’ a different split is evident, as she sings with a mix of raw power and terrible vulnerability. The arrangements are (mostly) sympathetic to her abilities, and at least two-thirds of what is here was definitely releasable by any reasonable standard. That it was, instead, buried is yet another offense committed against this tragic figure. The 1968-vintage sides have been augmented by four songs featuring Ballard from the Supremes catalog, ‘Buttered Popcorn’ from Meet The Supremes, ‘Ain't That Good News,’ the previously unissued ‘Hey Baby’ (from the same 1961 sessions that yielded ‘Buttered Popcorn’), and the previously unissued ‘Heavenly Father.’ I also included 'Silent Night', another of the Supremes' songs featuring Ballard on lead which was not present here. Why this material hasn't been written about more extensively is anyone's guess. http://www.allmusic.com/.
This is the first part of 'The Story of Florence Ballard'. If you still feel curious, here's the rest of the documentary: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.
Hi, have been exploring your great blog and have seen much that is brilliant but I have to comment on your bluebeat 45's collection. So many memories here for me! When this label first became available I couldn't believe the music, so exciting, so danceable and so different. I bought much of it in a small record store in Brixton market which I sadly no longer have but your blog is keeping it alive to be enjoyed by many. Well done and thankyou! fluff
The files on this site are NOT for commercial use. You are invited to download the music and, if you like it, you are strongly encouraged to buy the CD. That way you support the artists who produce it. In any case you should see these selections as for evaluation purpose only and you're asked to delete the music 24 hours after storing it in your computer or external device. Should anybody holding a copyright claim to any of these materials object to their presence here, please post a comment, and I will promptly remove the download link.
PLEASE, leave your comments always on the last post.
6 comentarios:
Thank u for all the good stuffs you give to us!
Here's two for your wanted list:
Peace & Happiness
Thanks so much for the links Jazzypier!! ;-)
Many thanks
I love love LOVE your blog and generosity in leading us to these Divas. Bravo! Thank You from the heart!
Hi, have been exploring your great blog and have seen much that is brilliant but I have to comment on your bluebeat 45's collection. So many memories here for me! When this label first became available I couldn't believe the music, so exciting, so danceable and so different. I bought much of it in a small record store in Brixton market which I sadly no longer have but your blog is keeping it alive to be enjoyed by many. Well done and thankyou! fluff
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